Only a slight frost,but nevertheless, brass monkey weather is a coming.
8 Turned up today, as some are working, and some are on hols.
No one caught on the pole. We all tried it. So it was mainly feeder work.
No24 guru pellet feeder, with micro pellet,and banded white chocolate pellet,
was the method i used today.
Now my casting accuracy is dodgy on a calm day,so you can imagine what it was like
when it was blowing a gale. The pro's can get it on a dustbin lid, well today i could just
manage to get it on a block of flats. Two pegs to my left, Adrian Davis was a pro.
Hitting the nail on the head, everytime. That's probably why he won the match?
In my match prelude to this, i said this place was Adrian's second home, and for the rest of us it
would be fishing for second spot. Gawd how true that was.
Every one caught, although there was a did not weigh amongst us. I bet all of you reading this
probably thought the no weigher was me. Well it was'nt, so there.
No one broke anything, or fell in. (boring sods). So it was a no mishap day.
I had 11 carp, and lost 4 in five hours, so it was a struggle. A few of the weights were all within 10lb,
so it was a close match really, with the exception of Adrian of course. Fair play to Adrian though
he fishes 4 or 5 times a week, so he is dedicated. Adrian weighed in 61lb, and said it was a struggle.
If thats the case i wish i could struggle like him. Is struggle is a good day to me.
Bri Dix was the best today. He forgot is boots,so he had to wear is trainers. Is feet were
freezing all day. So we did have a laugh today after all.
If i was the owner of the lake, i would have a challenge. Everyone pays a pound, and anyone who
can get from the lakes to the main road ,without hitting a pothole would win a tenner, the owner would make a mint. So lets have a look at the results,and some pics.
1st Adrian Davis.
Peg 7.
2nd Charlie Chang.
Peg 13.
3rd Dale Malpass.
Peg 12.
4th Jason Wellington.
Peg 15.
5th. Me.
Peg 4.
6th. Brian Dix.
Peg 16.
7th. Dickie Lewis.
Peg 5.
8th. Roy Davis.
Peg 8.
Did Not Weigh.
Did Not Weigh.
So thats it folks, until tomorrow bye for now,