With a nice bag of carp.

Thursday, 22 April 2010



Firstly many thanks to RTN for sponsoring this series as it grows from year to year.
This weeks match was the last in the "clash of the titans", between the teams for
the ROUNDTOWNNEWS Challenge Cup.The venue as before, was the Rio Segura at the Eden
Canal Stretch.Both teams managed full teams, however we had 3 dry nets but still
managed on the day to have equal points with our opponents. Due to our 2 point deficit
we lost by the narrowest of margins. Jim Rouse in my team fished a blinder in managing
not only to win his section, but the overall match. This he achieved in the last hour,
and by catching his best fish on the whistle.

1ST. JIM(The Chairman)ROUSE fishing the pole using maggot with 6.500 kilo's.
2ND. PAUL(Poco Loco)BAXTER fishing the pole using corn with 5.340 kilo's.
3RD. IAN(Irish Wizard)DALZELL fishing the pole using Bread with 4.580 kilo's.

                                                A TEAM.             1ST TEAM.

SECTION 1-6.                                14                         7
SECTION 7-12.                                 4                      14
SECTION 13-18.                               7                      13
SECTION 19-24.                             15                        6
OVERALL POINTS.                          40                      40
ACCUMULATIVE POINTS.               147                     149

Congratulations to Paul Baxter, and his team for nudging victory, however there is
always next year.
Pete Hampshire now has full permission to have his replacement hip joint, as the
series is finished, and he will have a year to recover for the next series.

The Picture shows the majority of the two teams relaxing in the sunshine, as always,
at a bar enjoying the day.



Cheers Dave, unlucky for finishing second, but someones got to lose eh!. I know, i
have been there on a far too regular basis. Role on next year, you can get your
revenge then mate. Do me a favour Dave, win next week so this blog can become a
cheerful blog, because if it relys on me to win, i'm afraid looking at it, it's
got a long bloody wait!.he he. Thanks again Dave, keep them coming buddy.

As for me this weekend, i've got nowt on, but the good news, is my van is back on
the road, so maybe, just maybe i might get a pleasure fishing session in. All
depends on her indoors, bit of grovelling, and hopefully i should be okay. As
always i will let you know. So for now its see ya soon, all the best


Tuesday, 20 April 2010



DRAW. 9.00AM.
FISH. 10.00AM TO 4.00PM.


I would say this place is a fantastic fishery, it's a mixed fishery.
Believe me the place is full of fish. There is an island, which you can
reach with rod, and reel. I think about 4 pegs covers the island. So
one of those pegs would be handy. i have fished this place once before,
with watersmeet ac. Young lewis winning that match with 70lb+. He had
about 40lb of Skimmers, and Bream, and the rest of the weight came
from the lakes Carp. There are bonus Roach to be had as well. Lewis
caught long on the pole, and had fish all day. As for myself on the
pole i could only fish at 7 metres, as my daiwa tournament pro was
snapped the day before on the Gloucester canal.(i have snapped it a
few more times since, and now i would be lucky if i can fish 13 metres
with it, not bad considering its a 16 metre pole. At this rate it will
only be long enough for the margins by the end of this year) he he.

11 Anglers turned up today, so only one did not turn up, but considering
Dale Malpas is stuck in Singapore, because of the Volcanic ash, it would
be pretty hard for him to fish this one eh!. Any way he's a top notch
Angler who's very hard to beat, so do i feel sorry he's not here.
Ah! let me think? he he. Nick Willis is fishing today after fishing the
fish o mania qualifier yesterday at Tunnel Barn Farm. So the majority
of the lads our ribbing him about his did not weigh. But don't worry
about it Nick at least you gave it a go, aye mate. (even though you got
your bum spanked he he). The venue supply's its own keepnets. which is
good. The only rule we have a problem with is you must weigh any Carp
over 4lb, as your not allowed to put them in the keepnets Crazy, by the
time you've walked it to the scales, weighed it, and put it back, you
could of had another fish on. Imaging that rule at a place like Larford,
You would'nt be fishing for half the match. But rules are rules, even
how stupid they are. In 40 years of fishing i have never seen a fish die
from being in the keepnets.They say it could be stressful for the fish?
Well hang on a minute, would'nt a fish with an hook in its mouth being
towed towards the bank, and is obviously thinking it is fighting for his
life be a tadge bit more stressed. I have fished venues where you have Carp
in the net, that actually still feed when bait drops in the net. you can see
them gobble it up, does that sound stressed to you?. The weather was lovely
again today, more sun rays for the arms, and face. No wind either so fishing
the pole was a dream.


Mr i draw end pegs (Steve Evans) did it again, he drew peg 1. Felt sorry
for Roy Davis who drew peg 2 in the bay, he talked himself out of the match
even before he set up. Andy Salcombe drew peg 3 on the corner of the bay,
you can never tell if he's happy about his draw or not. I drew next to
him on peg 4. Guess what one peg away from the island.(no i never won the
lottery this weekend either). On the over side of me on peg 5, right on the
corner of the Island was Adrian Davis, Mr casting accuracy himself. Never
seen anyone cast as accurate has him. Obviously there's more around, but i
ain't never seen them. Peg 6 fell to Mr fish o mania himself Nick Willis.
Next to him on peg 7 was Steve Bee, i spied on his bait before the match,
and the bait he had, i never, erm!. Not looking good is it. Peg 8 fell to
Brian Dix (my taxi for the weekend, free taxi at that, cheers bri). peg 9
fell to the ever consistant Jason Wellington, jeez if he drew a bath tub,
he would still hammer me. But then again so would most of the field i'm
fishing against. (nothing new there then). Peg 10 went to Charlie Chang,
hope he catches nowt for messing the series matches up. Nah! Charlie
is an okay guy really.Last but not least Dickie drew the end peg 11. He
was okay with that.




Set up the pole to fish at 12 metres, remembering how far Lewis fished out
the last match. I had about six feet of water at this distance. The bottom
was nice, and flat. Also set the pellet feeder to fish at distance.
My 12 metre line was set up with double number 5 elastic, just incase the
carp put in an appearance. 0.7 tuff eye float, to main line 0.14. Hook length
was 0.12, with number 18's preston hook. Bulk shotted a foot from the hook,
with a couple of droppers. My margin line was set up with 0.3 float with 0.16
line straight through to a number 14's kamasan b611 hook. This line would
hopefully be for a bonus Carp later on in the match. My pellet feeder was a
Guru pellet feeder set with a 4 inch hook length. with a chocolate hard pellet
banded on a size 16's hook. I wanted to try for a bonus Carp at the beginning.

The all in went at 10.00am, so i cupped in one small ball of groundbait, and
one cup of micro's with a few 4mm pellets on the 12 metre line. I then fed the
margin swim by hand with sweetcorn. Cast out my feeder which was clipped up,
about 20 feet to the left of the Island straight out in front of me. Adrian on
the next peg cast to the Island, and dropped it perfectly within inches of the
corner of the Island, i could only watch, and admire. My first fish came within
5 minutes, not the Carp i was praying for, but a skimmer about 6 ounces. Re-cast,
and tried again. The feeder was only in the water 30 seconds, and the tip wanged
around for me to land another skimmer which was smaller. Cast out the third time,
put the rod in its rest, looked up to see Adrian playing a much bigger fish. Yep
a bloody Carp (sigh).He had to weigh this one as it was over 4lb, Adrian was not
amused, (can't blame him really). I had my third bite, and again a small skimmer
came to the net. Well this ain't no good is it, casting forty yards for these
little bloody things, i thought i might as well go on the pole, and catch them,
at least it would be quicker. Adrian was again into another Carp, but this one
was okay to put in the net. So i went out on the pole, on the 4mm pellet, and it
got intercepted on the way down by a small roach, great here we go again. So i
stepped up to a 6mm pellet, and bulked my shot closer to the hook, at least my
pellet was getting to the bottom. Started catching skimmers on a regular basis,
so i was enjoying it. After about two hours i had a few in the net with my biggest
skimmer going about 10 ounces, meanwhile Adrian was into his tenth Carp, all smallish,
but they were weight builders. Put two more balls of grounbait in, then rested
the swim while i went back out on the feeder. Two small skimmers later, and i thought
to hell with this, so i tried the margins. Put on a piece of sweetcorn, and caught
straight away, not the Carp i was hoping for, but a small roach that had no right to
attack a bait that was bigger than his gob. Tried again, and i was missing the bites,
bloody small roach. Went back out onto my 12 metre line, and started to catch straight
away, skimmers. Adrian came in on his pole line now as his feeder line had dried up.
He like myself was catching steady. Andy to my right was starting to bag up very short,
about 3 metres out.So he was out, then back in very quickly. Unlike fishing at 12 metres
aye. Biggest fish i had was a bream about two pound, had a few around the three quarter
pound mark, but the rest were small ones.I ended up with 60 skimmers, and a handful of
small roach, and rudd. Tried the margin s a few times, but to no avail.The match ended
at 4.00pm.


Jason, Steve Bee, and, Andy all fished short, and it certainly worked for them. No way
was i going to touch these guys, the same with Adrian with those Carp he had. Jason,
Charlie, and Adrian were the only ones to have the bonus Carp. As for myself the only
thing different i could have done was using bigger baits like worm, but considering i
never had any with me that would have been difficult to do. So i think under the
circumstances i did the best i could of off this peg, never really had any quite periods.
Well thats my opinion anyway.(thats probably why i'm a shite angler he he).


1ST. J.WELLINGTON.   PEG 9.     63-0-0.

2ND. A.DAVIS.     PEG 5.         57-7-0.

3RD. STEVE BEE.      PEG 7.         57-0-0.
(unlucky steve considering you never had a Carp mate).

4TH. C.CHANG.      PEG 10.         54-0-0.

5TH. A.SALCOMBE.       PEG 3.       44-0-0.

6TH. N.WILLIS.       PEG 6.         33-0-0.

7TH. S.HAWKINS.  PEG 4.   32-0-0.
(God i ain't last).

JOINT  8TH. B.DIX.     PEG 8.      27-0-0.

JOINT  8TH. R.DAVIS.    PEG 2.      27-0-0.

10TH. S.EVANS.      PEG 1.       20-0-0.

11TH. D.LEWIS.     PEG 11.       18-8-0.

Strange one this, the two end pegs coming 10th, and last. You would'nt normally get
that would you.

Well it was an enjoyable day, everyone caught fish, i never came last, the sun was
shining, the ducks were quacking, everything went smooth with my fishing for a
change. I can actually laugh at the ones who finished behind me today. (which just
lately has been a rarity). Well are next aggregate match is at ridgeway fisheries,
at the Cotswolds Water Park near Cirencester. All Carp at last.

Some photos of Tarrington.

Andy to my right on peg 3.  You can see Steve Evans
in the background on peg 1. Poor old Roy is in the
bay between them on peg 2.

There's Roy looking happy (not).

My kit nice, and tidy. The Island one peg away. (sob).

Adrian to my left on peg 5.
Dead opposite the corner of the Island.

Closer look at Adrian, with some of the boys in the

Thats Dickie on the far peg.

Seem a long way away don't they.

Some angler on the far bank.

Edge of the Island, looking nice Adrian aye!.

Looking for some freebie's

Turning in my direction the little buggers.

Threw some sweetcorn, did'nt take long for them
 to eat it.

Andy starting on the long pole. Caught the bulk of his
fish at 3 metres, later on in the match. Steve Evans in the
background, not having a very good match.

Catching close in now. Should of copied him.

Match over, packing up. Nick showing off his
 builders bum.

Charlie being weighed.

Nice little mixed bag Charlie.

How much!.

More of the slimey little buggers.

Lovely fish!

Nick messing about with his net.

Nicks bag.

Steve Bee's weigh. Nice looking shirt that. C'MON

Well thats it for this post Ladies, and Gentlemen hope you enjoyed it. I will post
Dave Hoare's results from Spain on Thursday, so until then its bye, bye for now.


Monday, 19 April 2010


DRAW 9.00AM.
FISH 10.00AM TO 4.00PM.

Only eleven turned up for this one, as Nick Willis had a fish o mania
qualifier at Tunnel Barn Farm. So you could say that was a good enough
reason to miss our series match, even though he blew out big time.
He had a did not weigh. (did not weigh, that sounds familiar to me).
So it was going to be 6 in one sction, and 5 in the other, there was no
other way around it. So who knows if i draw in the section with just 5,
then i won't finish sixth will I,he he. Thanks to Brian Dix who picked
me up today, and is taking me fishing tomorrow as well. My van should be
up, and running hopefully by thursday. The only problem with getting a
lift is Brian likes a pint or two after the match. Now has i have'nt had
an alcoholic drink since way before Christmas, those two pints of lager i
had went straight to my head. Felt a little tipsy. I was no angel when
it came to drinking in the past. Well to be honest you could say (and you
would be right) that i was a seven day a week piss head. But that all
changed when they brought in the smoking ban a couple of years ago. So
as i don't drink in the house, my consumption of alcohol has deminished
to zero. Which is good for my pocket, but no good to the pubs. I would
rather have a smoke than a drink, so there was no contest between the



PEG 7. T.WARNER (again).



Today for this match i decided that even if i don't catch much, i was
going to use the pole, and pellet through out. Well thats a lie, i was
going to start on the feeder just to allow time for the pole line to
settle, after the initial feed. There's no way i'm going to do well
in this series, so i might as well enjoy it. Pole, and pellet is one
of my favourite's, so come rain or shine i was determined to fish it.
The tow on the water was'nt no where near as bad as it has been. Actually
it was just right. The weather was lovely, sunshine all day, a little bit
of wind.(suntan weather yeah!). The all in went at 10.00am, so i cupped in
two small balls of fish meal ground bait, with micro pellets over the top.
Went on the feeder with groundbait, and micro's in the feeder, and a 4mm
expander on the hook. Third cast i hooked, and landed a skimmer of about
four ounces, followed by another one of the same stamp. Okay any sane
angler would have stayed on this method, but like i said i wanted to enjoy
the day, so i switched to the pole. It was a struggle, but i did manage ten
skimmers on the pole, Everybody else seemed to be bagging on the feeder,
but they were in a battle, because most of them were still in with a chance
of framing overall. Me i just enjoyed the day catching rays from the sun. I
think everybody struggled in the last couple of hours, has the sun was strong,
and the wind had dropped to nothing, leaving the lake like a mill pond. Flat,
with no ripples. Not the best weather for skimmers has you know. The battle
from the two front runners in the series was going well. Andy on peg 12 was
catching steady throughout the day, same as jason was off peg 4.It is
certainly going to be close between these two at the end of the seies. They
were both in different sections, so top spot in the sections were on the
cards for both of them. Richard on peg 6 was bagging steadily, after the
crap series he was having in the first few matches, it was nice to see
him into the fish. Barry on peg 9 was fishing with a number 4 elastic in
is pole, then along came one of the lakes tench, and he had some fun with
it for 5 minutes before his self, and the tench parted company. Not an
happy chappy. Everybody caught double figures, except me. So they all had a good
match. As for me i'm as red as a Lobster from the sun, so i have no complaints.
Brian off peg 2 did'nt fair to well in is section finishing last in section A,
with 15lb odd. First time peg 7 did'nt finish in the top two, only managing
to finish fourth this time, unlucky Tommy that will teach you for drawing it
twice on the trot. Peg 6 coming out on top with 28lb odd, well done Richard,
you've managed to get off the bottom of the series table, that honour now
falls to yours truly. (good ain't i). Terry (peg 3), and Jason (peg 4) had
a ding dong battle, with Jason coming out on top by just over a pound between
them. Steve Bee on peg 5, had 19lb odd, but was only good enough for fifth.
Never mind Steve there's always tomorrow mate eh!. Back to my section, well
we know who finished last in this one, so we shall not mention that again
okay!. Barry on peg 9 finished with 12lb odd, fair play mate that lost tench
cost you a few places. Dick on peg 11 was doing well in the first half of the
match, but he struggled in the second half to finish third in section.
Steve Evans who seems to live on end pegs finished second, behind Andy by
just over a pound. Well done Andy winning the section again.



1ST. R.BOWD.    PEG 6.    28-8-0.

2ND. J.WELLINGTON.    PEG 4.    23-11-0.

3RD. T.REYBOULD.    PEG 3.    22-8-0.

4TH. T.WARNER.    PEG 7.    20-13-0.

5TH. S.BEE.    PEG 5.    19-6-0.

6TH. B.DIX.    PEG 2.    15-2-0.


1ST. A.SALCOMBE.    PEG 12.    16-2-0.

2ND. S.BEE.    PEG 13.    14-13-0.

3RD. D.LEWIS.    PEG 11.    12-13-0.

4TH. B.MATTHEWS. PEG 9. 12-2-0. (lost tench)

5th. OKAY ITS ME  PEG 10. 6-14-0.

Nick Willis.   D.N.F.  To busy getting beat at the
fish o mania qualifier.


A.SALCOMBE.              10PTS.      112-03-0.
J.WELLINGTON.          10PTS.      100-01-8.
T.REYBOULD.              15PTS.         94-15-8.
S.EVANS.                     16PTS.         88-03-0.
T.WARNER.                 16PTS.         80-04-0.
B.DIX.                         17PTS.         87-03-0.
D.LEWIS.                    19PTS.         76-01-0.
S.BEE.                        22PTS.         86-12-0.
R.BOWD.                    27PTS.         72-04-0.
B.MATTHEWS.            27PTS.         62-02-0.
S.HAWKINS.                29PTS.         49-03-0.
N.WILLIS.                   29PTS.         45-10-0.

Sorry Nick i thought i was last but i just done the results, and
its you thats bottom. I will try my hardest on the last match to
finish with the wooden spoon.There's still 4 of us with a chance
of picking the wooden spoon award.

Well done Andy getting top spot back from Jason its going to be a
good last match between you two. I hope you both draw different
sections just to give it some added spice. Terry has a very long
shot of winning overall, but the top two would need to be tied up
before the match started. For Terry to win, Andy, and Jason would
need to finish last in there sections, thats of course if they draw
different sections. Terry would need to win his section with 18lb+,
and the top two blanking. I think we can say Terry has got to be happy
with third overall, and thats if the one's behind him, let him.
Five anglers could finish third, so that battle is going to be good
also. So really looking at it, its only Steve Bee who can't win
anything, can't finish in the top three, or even pick up the wooden
spoon. Never mind Steve there's always £50 up for grabs if you win
the section.

Just a few pics today, and i new where i put my camera.

The boys sorting out their baits.

Terry on peg 3.

Jason on peg 4.

Steve Bee on peg 5, yapping to Richard.

Richard back on is peg 6. Best weight of  the day

Tommy on peg 7. The best peg so far in the series.

The reeds are growing nicely now.

Dickie concentrating on peg 11.

Andy on peg 12. you can see Steve Evans pole in
the background on peg 13.

One of Dickie's skimmers coming towards his net.

It's a coming Dickie.

Barry just after he lost the Tench.

Well only one match left in the series, don't time fly when your having
a good time.(not). It will be fasinating how this one is going to end up.
Two boys at the top fighting for number 1 spot, and me fighting for the
wooden spoon.(does'nt really sound as much fun as the number 1 spot does it).

Tomorrow our first aggregate match starts. It wil be fished at Tarrington
lake, its a mixed fishery so i will let you know how we get on. As long as
i don't finish last, i will be happy. Until tomorrow cheers for now.
