With a nice bag of carp.

Thursday, 25 March 2010




This weeks match was the final in the 1 to 1 Car Hire series.
It as been a series of 4 matches with all scores counting.
The match was held on the Eden canal stretch of the Rio Segura.
The river had fined down, and looked good, with the flow as normal.
However looks can be decieving . The current leader, and second
place angler both blanked leaving the overall winner to come from
down the field. Although a few pegs fished reasonable well the
majority of anglers struggled for a few fish. Tony Price although
he caught some good fish, he also paid the price. Halfway through
the match he latched onto one of the resident animals that lurk
up, and down the stretch. After playing it into clear water the
fish decided to head for the weeds again, remembering is Mr Crabtree
books he gave it some side strain,but to no avail, not only losing
the fish but also to have a rod of two halves. I believe his
Mr crabtree book is in the bin.

Top rods on this patchy day.
1st. Terry (swing E'm) Screen fishing the pole, using maggot with
6.80 kilo's.

2nd. Bill (the master) Reade fishing the feeder using maggot with
5.18 kilo's.

3rd. Dave (yours truly) Hoare fishing the pole using maggot, and
bread with 4.86 kilo's.


1st. Bill Reade with 17 points.
2nd. Dave Hoare with 22 points.
3rd. Clive Cleghorn with 29 points.

This is a picture of a fish not often caught, while i was fishing
at Beniojfar a couple of weeks ago. It is proudly held by "Master
of the pegs" Pete Hampshire. It is approximately a pound, and a half.



Cheers Dave, how much coin did you pick up for second overall.
Glad to see the Eels are immigrating to Spain as well, you can keep them
mate. Thanks for this report, here from you soon mate STEVE.

As for myself i have no fishing this weekend, so gawd knows what i'am
going to do. Bought my fishing licence today, gone up to £27.00.
Looks like its going to shoot up every year, until no one can afford it.
Typical Country, you enjoy it, the Government will tax it.

Monday, 22 March 2010


DRAW. 9.00AM.
FISH. 10.00AM T0 3.30PM.

I turned up at Drummonds in plenty of time. Dickie, and Jason were already there.
(i thought i was keen). So we had a bit of a chin wag, obviously about fishing.
This time Dickie had my name on the list as drawing second. When Steve Bee turned
up, i thought about tying him up, so he could'nt jump the queue. But fair play to
him he was well behaved today.So the chains went back in the van. Everybody turned
up in droves, but everybody was on time for the draw. Bri Dix turned up in his
new van, must admit it looked like the pope mobile, but i did'nt tell Brian,
because he was kind of in love with it, and we are here to fish, and not break
hearts. Bless, ain't i an angel. Richard, and Barry who like myself have'nt had
a very good series so far, looked like they had fresh scars on there wrists.
So they need to catch some fish today, or i can definitely see the razors
coming out. Will i commit harry Carry if i draw shite this week. Well no! because
my missus would'nt have any bugger to moan at, would she.

Just one other little thing, if the wanker who ripped my vans side mirror off,
when it was parked outside my house, reads this. Do the decent thing, and buy
one next time, like most of us would. Or better still do everybody a favour,
and slash your wrists, because at the end of the day you are no use to anyone
are you. Now i ain't into muslim law. but we could do with the one, where you
kinda get your hand chopped off if your caught, and if your daft enough to do
it again, well you won't be doing it a third time thats for sure. But then
again thiefs are so stupid that they probably think they got more than two hands.
Okay that's off my chest, so no more moaning, well not until after the match anyway.


Again Barry was nominated to draw Dickies peg, so in went is hand, which was
still attached to is new scarred wrist (he he), and out popped peg 8. Now any normal
person would have taken this peg with a smile on there face, but not our Dickie no.
He really did'nt fancy it (strange man). So now the big moment had come, my turn.
I looked at Steve Bee just in case he was fibbing about behaving himself, but no
worries he stayed put. So in went my hand, and out came, wait for it, PEG THIRTEEN.
I kid you not everyone cheered, i must have split my make up, with the grin that
appeared on my face. I kinda floated to my van, in dream land. The far bank at last.
Never mind it being a marathon to get too. I was just happy?. Ain't it funny how
happiness can jump up, and bite you on the arse, more about that later.
Jason next, drew peg 11, he was happy with that, as he has always done well on the
far bank. Terry  who seems to live on either peg 8 or 9, did'nt disappoint,
as he drew peg 9 again.(now i know he lives on those pegs). His travelling partner
in crime Tom drew peg 7 AGAIN!. One of the fliers on the road side. The
other flier peg 6 went to Nick , so he was a happy chappy. Steve Bee drew
peg 2 again, two matches on the trot. Now the last match he was'nt overly happy
about drawing this peg as it had been crap throughout the series.But the fish moved
into the shallows for that match, and he did well off it. So this time i'am pretty
sure he was happy with it. Steve Evans drew peg 3, this fished quite well the
last match also, so he was happy with it.( mind you, like most of us peg 6 or 7,
would have been a lot bleeding nicer). But considering Nick did'nt want to share
his peg with 10 others, we had to do with what we got.(bloody selfish of Nick if
you ask me). Richard drew peg 5, and i'am not sure if he liked it or not, as
like me he has'nt had much luck with the draw. Barry  drew peg 10, and
considering he has had crap draws, he was happy with it. Bri  drew peg 4, and as
he has been quite consistant, no doubt the fish will be in front of him. Not like
Barry who must wear anti-fish deodrant, because wherever he has been the fish have'nt.
Ain't i glad i never drew next to Barry. Andy the series leader drew peg 12, next to me.
Surely when he saw me in the next peg, he must have thought he was up against it.
Mind you if i would have said this to him, i might have beat him, because he
would have spent five hours rolling around laughing. mmmmm, must remember that
for next time.




PEG 9. TERRY REYBOULD. (squatter).


Plummed the pole line up, and found about six feet of water, it was nice, and flat,
at 11 metres. 0.7 Tuff float. 3lb main line, with 1.7lb hook length. Size 18's
kamasan hook. For the feeder rod, i used a small cage feeder, 4lb main line, with
2lb hook length, again with an 18's kamasan hook. Fished at 30 yards. For the feeder
i used chopped worm, with fish meal groundbait. For the pole i fed two balls of
the same groundbait, with half a pot full of chopped worms, and maggots. catipulting
a few maggots every 10 minutes or so.

The whistle for the all in went at 10am, so i fed my pole line, then cast out the feeder.
This peg as had its ups, and downs, with crap weights, and good weights, now i was
pretty confident that i should get a decent weight off this peg, as the fish will be
all over the lake with this weather we have been having. If the the water is cold,
and clear then you won't budge the fish off the deeps, but now its quite warm,
and cloudy, this is the sign for them to be everywhere, (except in front of Barry he he).

So like i said, i was pretty confident they would be here. After about five minutes the
tip moved, and i latched into my first fish, a roach? To win, or do well in the section,
you needed skimmers, so not the start i was after. Eight roach later, i'am not very happy.
I need skimmers. Now being an out, and out pole angler for the last 30 years, this feeder
fishing lark has never been one of my favourites. But for the last year i have been using
the feeder more often, so really i'am still on a learning curve. It was only last month
that Steve Evans showed me how to tie a pasternoster rig properly, as i was getting a
bit peeved with tangles all the time. But fair play since Steve showed me how to do it
properly, touch wood i hav'nt had a problem with tangling. So i stayed on the feeder
for a bit longer, and still had roach problems. The bites were now getting silly,
lightning quick bites, end result, no fish but two chewed up maggots. Sod it, time
for the pole. Double red on the hook, shipped it out, and guess what, a bloody roach
first put in. But at least i was hooking the little so, and so's. I caught a few more
roach, but it was a struggle, as they were'nt coming fast enough to build a weight.

I re-fed the pole line with the cupping kit, and went back out on the feeder, a bite
came about 10 minutes later, resulting in my first skimmer, at last! Another followed
about 10 minutes later, so i was a little happier anyway. Andy on the next peg
was having roach problems too. But at the end he ended up with 24 skimmers on the feeder,
with plenty of roach thrown in as well. After my second skimmer, the roach moved back in.

Caught two on the trot about half ounce apiece, and this time i did say sod it. So back
on the pole i went. I did manage 8 more skimmers, and a few roach before the swim died,
and i never had another bite for the last hour. I ended up with 33 fish for 8lb 5oz's,
not only finishing last in my section, but last out of the 12 anglers. Bril angler ain't I.

Andy on the next peg doubled my weight, so i now know i must be doing something wrong,
maybe i should have stayed on the feeder, like Andy did. He tried the pole but not for long.

Maybe if i fished the feeder throughout the match, maybe i might of had 24 skimmers, and
doubling my weight. But saying that i had 8 skimmers on the pole, to two on the feeder,
i just don't know. Now i know why i like the carp, at least there easier to catch.
Problem is i do like silverfish fishing as well, i suppose i will have to use the feeder
more times than the pole next time, just to see. If there our any kind hearted people out
there gis a clue will ya!. I'am now going to go home, and sulk for three days. Maybe not,
i don't want to get filled in by the wife, know what i mean. Imaging it, next match, it will
be "hello" Steve how did you get that black eye, err! walked into a lampost mate! YEAH right!.


Even though Andy weighed in 16lb+ he did'nt fair well, finishing 4th in the section. With
only Dickie, and myself behind him. Dickie also slipping up with a fifth in section. Well
done barry finishing second in the section, maybe its me who wears the anti-fish deodrant
after all. Old Mr squatter on peg 9 finishing third in section, with 17lb+.( Must know every
fish by name in that peg by now). Well done Jason winning the section with over 5lb to spare.
Caught Andy up now mucker!. The two Steve's on pegs 2, and 3 also had roach problems all day.
Pegs 6, and 7 blitzed the top two places in section "A" AGAIN. Well done richard, double figures
this time mate. Well done to Brian as well, only had one flier in this series, but as done well
everytime, well done mate. As for me, well your shite matey, now when you go home tonight,
i want you to write your a shite angler 100 times before beddy byes as your punishment
for being crap. That's it , i ain't going to speak to me no more.



1ST. TOM.WARNER.   PEG 7.   22-3-0.

2ND. NICK WILLIS.   PEG 6.   18-3-0.

3RD. BRIAN DIX.   PEG 4.   14-5-0.

4TH. RICHARD BOWD.   PEG 5.   14-0-0.

5TH. STEVE EVANS.   PEG 3.   12-14-0.

6TH. STEVE BEE.   PEG 2.   9-13-0.


WELLINGTON.   PEG 11.   23-15-0.

2ND. BARRY MATTHEWS.   PEG 10.   18-0-0.

PEG 9.  17-3-0.

4TH. ANDY SALCOMBE.   PEG 12.   16-6-0.

5TH. DICK LEWIS.   PEG 8.   11-4-0.

6TH. STEVE HAWKINS. PEG 13. 8-5-0.

OVERALL POSITIONS AFTER ROUND 5.(with worst result dropped).

A.SALCOMBE.       7PTS.      77-09-0.
J.WELLINGTON.   7PTS.       55-01-8.
T.WARNER.         9PTS.       50-03-0.
B.DIX.                 10PTS.      53-15-0.
T.REYBOULD.      11PTS.      50-09-8.
D.LEWIS.            11PTS.      44-13-0.
S.EVANS.            12PTS.      52-02-0.
S.BEE.                13PTS.      48-10-8.
N.WILLIS.           17PTS.      34-05-0.
S.HAWKINS.       18PTS.       29-05-0.
B.MATTHEWS.    19PTS.      32-13-0.
R.BOWD.             23PTS.     22-09-0.


Steve always wanted Jason to have a sex change,
so Jason went to the doctors, and arranged for the
slow process of many operations. Jason told the
doctor he wanted to be called Nelly! The doctor
thought Jason said Nelly the Elephant, so the process
began. Ten ops later, and Jason is totally transformed.
Kinda cute really, just take a look at the last photo
of this post, and see for yourself.

My peg 13, set up, and raring to go. Well this is an
anti bleeding climax, or what.

Jason walking the bank before the match, telling eveyone
about is sex change. he's even starting to walk like an

Bit more of my peg.

Nice overhanging tree, shame there ain't many Carp
in here.

Left of my swim. Perfect looking peg. Shame there
was'nt a decent angler on there.

Andy getting ready for the off. On the next peg.
(looks worried don't he).

Jason waiting for the whistle. (and the sex change he he).

The boys on the road side,having a chin wag before
the whistle.

Barry hoping he does'nt need the suicide pills.

Dickie not wanting this peg, fair play he was right
about the peg after the all out. Coming last but one
in the section. (we won't mention the last person in
the section okay!).

Toby  my dog, when i got home. Likes is bleeding comfort.

Jason in all is glory. Your going to need a bigger
tackle box to sit on Jason, with the size of that arse.
The good news Steve Evans was'nt to upset with
the outcome of the operations, that he as now propossed
to Jason who has happily excepted. 

Well that was a learning curve for me today, can't blame the draw
on this one. But i refuse to beat myself up over it. My wife does
a good job of that anyway. I shall now go into mourning for 3 days,

So for now its bye, bye.  All the best STEVE.