With a nice bag of carp.

Friday, 19 March 2010




This weeks match was the 10th match in the winter championship series,
and was held on the Rio Segura at the Eden Cansl stretch.
This championship is a series of 11 matches with the best 8 to count,
the last match to be held at the end of March. The weather again this
week, took its toll on the fishing. Firstly arriving at the river with
2 degree's showing on the car thermometer. The river was running through
at pace, and was up, and coloured. This was draw your peg, and find some
slack water to fish????. Overall there were six blanks, and i several others
nearly increasing these numbers.My first fish was just before 3 o'clock,
(we started at 9). With a second at 3.25 five minutes before the finish.
Paul Baxters only fish came at 3.20."Oh" the joys of fishing in Spain,
in saying that, at least we have fished all through the winter,
whereas in the UK, they have either had to break the ice, or not fish
at all. Roll on the summer.


1st. John (Again i can't believe it) Winstanley. Fishing the feeder using
corn with 3.74 kilo's.

Must go in the pools next time.

2nd. Harold (H) Clarke. Fishing the pole using corn with 3.72 kilo's.

3rd. Derek (The beancounter) Swann. Fishing the pole using Maggot with
2.34 kilo's.


1st. Paul Baxter with 69 points.
2nd. Dave Hoare with 71 points.
3rd. Bill Reade with 89 points.

As stated above, the last match is at the end of the month, and so it will be
a close run thing for 1st, and 2nd.

As had been stated before, the Embalse de Pedrera has been filled up with
the road at the back of the broken bridge some 8-10 feet now underwater.

The picture has been taken from the road just before the broken bridge.
The bushes in the background was the point that was used for matches.



Cheers Dave, we are all rooting for you. so that probably has jinxed you.

Weather here in England as been picking up the last week or so. So the
fishing should improve.

Permali's winter league this Sunday, on Drummonds. It is the fifth round
already. Does'nt time fly when you are fishing shite. The fish should be
spread all over the lake now, so it should make it more even. But as you
know fishing is a funny old game. Let you know how i get on later.

So bye for now STEVE.

Monday, 15 March 2010


LITTLE LAKE NEAR NEWENT GLOS.(can't remember the name of the place).
FISHED 9.30AM TO 3.00PM.

The great thing about this little place, is there are no rules.
You can use any bait, and any method's.You can even use keepnets.
A few of the lads i know mentioned this place to me, and considering
i had nothing on this weekend, i thought i would give it a go.
All it costs is a measley fiver, not going to break the bank.
As the place is run as a guest house, you can have breakfast too.
It even has a bar, not a bad little place, as it is only twenty minutes
from my house.

Dick Lewis, Graham Pugh, and thirteen other lads fished a match at
Twyford Farm, Tewkesbury. On the river Avon. While i was fishing, i
phoned Pughy about 12'oclock and asked him how the match was going, and
he told me it was crap. The river was gin clear!. I was asked to fish
this match, but i ain't that keen on river fishing, so i passed on that.
Dickie phoned me up this evening, and said the match was rubbish.
There was ten blanks out of fifteen anglers. Mark Hewlett winning the
match, with as solitary Chub.He picked up £60. In Dickie's section
Mark was the only angler to catch, so the section winner's money had
to be drawn out of the hat. Ain't i glad i did'nt go. Phew!!!.

I decided yesterday to give this place a try, so i went down to the local
tackle shop, and bought a pint of maggots, as back up if the pellets
did'nt work. Glad i did?. I prepared some liquidised expander pellet,
and mixed it 50/50 with sonu baits method mix, for the groundbait, as
apparently the lake has a good head of Skimmers, and Bream.
Soaked some 4mm skretting pellets, then bagged them up, and put in
fridge overnight. For the hook i pumped 4mm, and 6mm Expanders, again
bagging them, and sticking them in the fridge overnight.

Got out of bed about 6.30am this morning, had my usual mug of tea,
watched the cricket live for a bit, England versus Bangladesh (sad i know),
but i do like watching cricket. Lets face it there ain't nothing else on the
telly that time in the morning. £147 for a tv licence, criminal ain't it.

You think about it, if someone steals your money, in court they are classed
as scum (to right too). But if the council steal from you in the form of poll tax,
the law says thats okay. When you swear an oaf in court, you swear on the bible.
Even though in that bible it states though shalt not steal. I have never seen
in the bible though shall not steal unless it's the Council. Have you. So in fact
your swearing on something in court, that the court does'nt believe in.
Funny old world ain't it. Anyway that's enough politics, (i could write a novel
on what i think of those b-----d's.

Got to the lake this morning, seen the owner, and paid my £5.Took a walk
around the lake, just to have a look see. What i saw was very impressive.
Lovely looking lake, set in the houses grounds. A stream ran the length of
the land, adjacent to the house, and lake. Very picturesque place indeed.
Shame i can't afford something like that. But as the saying goes.
One man's dream, is another man's reality. Unfortunatley i come under the
dream section.

I settled my kit down on a peg halfway up the lake, roughtly the middle
of the Island. Nice sunny day, bit windy though, but it was not cold.
Which was good for my aging bones.Set up a Guru pellet feeder for the
Island. Also set up the pole, and found a nice depth at 7 metre's.
Plummed up for a while, and it was fairly flat all around at that length.
I was told that there is a good head of carp in here also, so i had to set
some stronger pole rigs up on the bank, as my winter fishing has basically
been all silver fishing. So in my box i only have silver fish rigs set up.
I set two top rigs up. One which came straight out of my box. 0.5 float,
shotted with seven number eight stotz. Bulked six inches from the hook.
Main line was 4lb breaking strain, with 2lb hook length. The rig i had to
set up from scratch was basically for if the carp showed up. this rig
was basically the same as the siver set up, the only difference was i used
8lb breaking strain straight through. Both rigs taking a size 18's
Kamasan b611 barbless hook.Even though there are no rules on this lake, i like
to use barbless for the carp. Mainly because the carp have a knack of springing
the hook in the landing net, and its a nightmare trying to get a barbed hook
out of the mesh. The rod line was clipped up just short of the Island.
Filled the Guru feeder with soft 4mm skrettings pellet, with a banded white
chocolate 6mm pellet on the hook. Fed the pole line with two orange sized balls
of groundbait, through the main pole pot top kit, and one pot half full of 4mm
skrettings pellet over the top.

Started on the feeder hoping for a carp off the Island, which never materialized.
But as i was pleasure fishing i stayed on it for an hour.
Changed to the pole with a 6mm expander on the hook. fished this for half an hour
with out a bite. Now i know i was only pleasure fishing, but you still want to
catch, so i was starting to worry just a little. The baiting up i done at the start
was now in the water for an hour, and a half. So being the impatient little bugger
i'am, i decided to pot half a potful of maggots in. Within five minutes i had a
little perch of about four ounces, well beggars can't be chosers, so it will do
for a start. My elastic for my silver rig was number eight hydro, so if any carp
put in an appearance i would at least have a chance, as long as it was'nt to big,
because two pound bottom might be a 'tadge' to light?. My next fish to come was
a nice half pound roach, followed by is brother of the same size. Three fish so
time to feed some more maggots through the toss pot.It was'nt a fish a chuck,
as by this time it was a fish every five to ten minutes, but for pleasure fishing
it was just that, pleasurable. A few five ounce skimmers put in an appearance,
so i was now really enjoying it, without worrying about how the anglers around
me were doing.(mind you i had the lake all to myself today).

Next put in, it happened, YEP! the elastic shot out at a rate of knots. Ten seconds later it
was good-bye hook length.Well as it was a pleasure session, and i never had
another top set up with a silverfish rig on, i just changed to my carp cruncher
with number 16 hi viz elastic. Come on carp break my 8lb straight through if you
can. Out went another pot of maggots with some 4mm pellets. About ten minutes later
the float shot under, and the elastic again shot out at a rate of knots, but
this time i was a tadge more confident. Five minutes later a carp of about
nine pounds was staring at me from the bottom of my landing net, not bad for
my first carp of the year. Potted another half potful of pellets, and maggots,
and waited, to be honest that fish would have done for this pleasure session
as i was happy with it. I did want to catch a bream, as apparently the slabs in
here run quite big. A carp of two pound, and a few more skimmers came to the
net, also a nice Rudd of about a pound put in an appearance, jeez this was fun.
I actually forgot how good pleasure fishing can be. I must admit i did bump a few
small fish, which ain't suprising with this set up. The next time my float
went down i latched into another decent carp. This one obviously thought it
was the middle of June, as it fought like mad. Gave me a few heart pulpatations
i tell you!. But in the net he ended up. Again he weighed about eight to nine pounds.
Starting to enjoy this. Another carp of about four pounds, with a few small skimmers, and
roach came in the last hour, so i thought that will do for today. I probably had
about 25lb of carp, and 15lb of silverfish, so about 40lb for what turned out
to be a very pleasurable day. I weighed in more fish today than the 15 lads who
fished the river, am i complaining, am I &@$%. Well back to reality next week, the
fifth round of our winter league at Drummonds is next Sunday. Hope i enjoy it,
or am i just dreaming, well we will have to wait, and see on that one. Will
i come back, and pleasure fish this lake again, i think so. Wonder what this
place fishes like in summer, can't wait, to give it a go. I will let you know
when i fish it again. The place is to small for matches, as i don,t
think you can get more than ten on it. So i will keep this place for pleasure
sessions, which i must promise myself i will do more often this year.

Just a few pics of the place, plus a few of my two biggest carp.

Rapids on the stream.

Closer look.
Not bad having this at the bottom of your garden.

The House, and Guest rooms.

My peg.

Part of the lake, left of my peg.

Edge of the Island.

My first attempt, with the carp.
They decided to jump as i clicked.

My second attemp, still jumping the bugger.

Third attempt, and its okay!.
(I think the fish were getting bored by this time,and
decided to co-operate). Two cracking Commons.
The one with the damaged tail, was the one who thought
it was July, and fought like crazy. 

Hope you enjoyed reading this, as much as i have had writing it.

So for now bye, bye STEVE.