With a nice bag of carp.

Friday, 16 October 2009

Tirley tomorrow.

Cant wait until tomorrow now. I'am about to set up some rigs for the match. Later i will soak some 4mm pellets ,for an hour,bag them,and stick them in the fridge overnight. Also pump some 6mm expanders,and again stick them in the fridge overnight. I have sweetcorn,and 8mm boiles,as back up.
They don't like you using luncheon meat for some reason. So i will take some cat food with me,as i have'nt heard them say anything about it. I will ask when i get there.
Even though the weather as not been at its best this week, i should still think you will need 100lb+ to win. So hopefully it will be fun.As i said before i  will let you know the results tomorrow evening.
So see you hear then.
Bye for now  STEVE.

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