Well the missus came home from work, and i told her i lost it, or
left it in Brians van. She went straight to it, and said i put it
there when i came home from fishing on Monday. Dickie i swear if
your reading this i will never call you senile again, because its
bleeding me who's senile. I can't remember bringing the camera in,
let alone putting it anywhere. Fair play lads we would be lost
without the wifes would'nt we.
DRAW: 8.00AM.
FISH: 9.00AM TO 2.45PM.
Why do i let myself get talked into these matches, must be that
i'm easy money for them. But then again i suppose its experience.
(don't think i can take much more of these experience's). Well
i do like the crack, plus it gives the other guys something to
laugh about. I mean if it was'nt for people like me (pools fodder)
who would they have to top there wallets up. Thats why God put me
on this planet for, to help others. I should become a saint really.
Imagine me walking around with an halo above my swede. Look bloody
cool would'nt I.
The seven anglers fishing today are myself, Brian Dix, Steve Evans,
Jason Wellington, Andy Salcombe, Steve Bee, and Nick Willis. I would
like to say thanks to Bri for picking me up for this match, cheers
mate, your a gem. It was a rover match today so we put 7 numbers in the
hat, and drew to see who had first choice of what peg they wanted.
Everyone was saying bet Jason draws number one, and he bloody well
did too. Fair play mate i thought they were joking when they said
you were Mr draw bag. But now i guess they was'nt. Steve Evans holds
the match record on this lake. All of them know this place as well as
if it was in there own back gardens. See told you i was pools fodder.
Well i suppose with the exception of Brian who has only fished the place
about 10 times!. I drew number three, and considering i don't know much
about the place i might as well have drawn number seven.
Anyway i looked at the peg straight in front of me, and thought that would do,
as i ain't a keen walker at the best of times. Jason said don't have that
one mate fish by the outlet, that should be okay. So taking his advice i strolled
the 40 yards to the peg, and settled down on this one. Jason disappearing in
the distance to the other side of the lake. Now anyone with half a brain would
have watched where he went, and headed in the same direction. No not me aye!.
Steve Evans actually settled down about 6 pegs away from me on the
bend, so i thought it can't be that bad. I mean the match weight holder
should know where to go should'nt he?. The peg i was going to go too
was now in the hands of Nick. Apparently the peg that Andy picked was
a peg he has won off quite a few times, so he was very happy.
Steve Bee was dead opposite me, with just the island between us.
Brian parked is arse in between Steve Evans, and Jason, they still
had about 9 or 10 pegs vacant between them. Not bad 7 anglers on a
65 peg fishery. So you could say we were well spaced out.
Saying that the pegs are quite close to one another, if you fished the margins
at 6 metres, the tip of your pole could pick the noses of the anglers either
side of you. Which probably would'nt go down to well with them.
The match kicked off at 9am, i fed the pole line at 7 metres with micro pellet.
Then cast out the pellet feeder to the island, it was only about a 20 metre chuck.
The peg i was going to have, which now Nick was fishing, was like a mill pond, the
water was flat calm. Where i was now, and Steve Evans peg the wind was blowing
a gale. Stayed on the feeder for about 45 minutes never had a touch. So went on
the pole line. Within 5 minutes of changing to the pole, i had my first Carp, a
fish of around 4 pounds. The wind was really strong, and it was whipping my pole
around even though i was only fishing at 7 metres, the presentation was going out
of the window big time. Had another carp of around 4 pounds, and that ladies, and
gentlemen was that. One more bite, which i missed was what i had for the rest of
the match. I did have some fun watching Nick, and Steve Bee bag up, so it was'nt
all that bad.(sob). Steve Evans to my left on the bend had the same amount as me.
Two fish. He had the same problem with the wind. Nick fished is pole at 16 metres,
with no wind problem at all. Why oh why did i listen to Jason, should've gone
straight to that peg. But i should'nt whinge, because lately i have been total
crap at fishing, so no doubt i would have screwed that peg up anyway. So by
now you would have guessed the two no weighers. Do you know at Christmas i
thought 2010 might be my year. You know, pick some coin up at matches, pick even
a hell of a lot more coin up with winning the lottery. Stop smoking so i could
preserve a few more years of my life. Lose weight, so when i look in the mirror
i don't feel sick. Well so far the year 2010 as gone tits up, and its only bloody
April. If i did'nt laugh about it, i would cry for weeks on end. Who knows maybe
2011 might be better. he he. Right i suppose you want to know the results,
so i will tell you even though it breaks my heart. Okay here we go.
1st. A.Salcombe. with 117-9-0.
Catching most on the pole, with luncheon meat.
2nd. S.Bee. with 102-5-0. again mostly on the pole,
ain't sure what bait, forgot to ask.
3rd. J.Wellington with 80-3-0.
Did'nt have a bite for last two hours.(breaks my heart).
4th. N.Willis. (my peg really). with 56-1-0.
Fishing pole at 16 metres,with pellet. Also never had a
bite for the last two hours.
5th. B.Dix. with 51-2-0.
Alternating between the method, and the pole.
Steve Evans. 0-0-0. The reigning match record holder,
thats a distant memory now steve Eh!.
Can't think of this chaps name sorry.
Looks quite a good angler though.
Just a few photos to give you a taste of whats to come.
Nick Willis on what would have been my peg.
Steve Bee opposite me, behind the island.
Good fun watching him catch all day. (not).
Andy on his way to victory.
(we will fight them on the beaches)
Jason's up there somewhere.
Brian Dix.
Steve Evans to my left.
My peg, with a twenty yard chuck to the island.
You can just make out Steve Bee, and Andy in the
Flat calm on Nick's peg.
Part of Steve Bee's catch.
The way its going it will take me all year to catch
this many.
Only had a landing net to weigh the fish, as some
numpty forgot the weigh sling, aye Jason.
Part of Andy's catch.
Nuts without a weigh sling?.
Second lot of Andy's.
They really are in good condition these fish.
Jason's time to weigh.
Brian's catch.
Brian want's to be a Tree. (shit, i want to be an angler).
Brian getting is fish out, with Steve Evans looking on
in envy.
Well that raps up another fishing experience, so hope you enjoyed it, as much as i
didn't?. I will upload Dave Hoare's match report later on in the week. So for know look after yourselves, and keep safe. All the best STEVE.
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